Home Renovations
Do you need renovations or repairs to your resale condominium? If so, be sure to choose a capable and qualified service repair person. Notice that I did not specify repairman. Women are now working in the skilled trades. To be sure you have a reliable and knowledgeable repair person look for a good rating on the company with the Better Business Bureau. Also, check out HomeStars for quality comments on quality trades people.
Recently it became a legal requirement for trades-persons to be licensed and registered in the Province of Ontario, in Canada. For more information please visit the Ontario College of Trades website. You need to be sure that you will employing the services of a capable and qualified trades professional. This specialists needs to be certified for the area of work that they are trained in. An Appliance Repair Technician is certainly not trained in plumbing, even though they may have some knowledge of the subject, if they worked on many washing machines.
An Appliance repair technician may have some knowledge of plumbing if they worked on washing machines, but this know-how does not make them an expert or register them as being a capable Plumber. While otherwise skilled people are often looking for work they could believe themselves to be ‘handy’ and capable of doing various types of repairs, this does not actually mean that they are able to repair appliances or other items. Even if one is able to do repairs, if one is not trained, licensed and certified, then one is not an expert and you should only entrust repairs to a fully recognized expert.
Should perhaps hire a non-expert and they do complete the necessary repair what assurance do you have that the repair will be sustaining? A non-licensed technician will likely not do a complete restoration of your appliance or other item. Also a guarantee on labour and / or parts will not be available or not be redeemable should the need arise for future service of the same item.
Also when having renovations done to your home you must be absolutely sure that you will employing a skilled trades person. If possible ask to see their Red Seal certification or license, issued from the city or municipality that enables them to legitimately work in a designated trade. A Jack of All Trades is surely a master of none. A pretend carpenter is likely to have some rough edges and to miss important angles when completing work. Before you hire a trades person you should ask for a few references. Be sure to inquire if those provided are friends or family members. Not that anyone would not be totally honest about the quality of work that there relative provides.
Other than the tips noted above you can properly evaluate a prospective trades company by visiting their website. If the domain name does link to their website or instead first links to a sub domain or redirects, or any other oddity, then it is obvious that all is not as it seems. To use and old adage for emphasis of my point: “When in doubt do without.” If after trying to visit a website of a trades company you are not impressed or even after reading the content therein you have any reservations about the skill level of the business, then you should perhaps not give them your business.
home upgrades, renovations, repairs

15 North Park Road, Vaughan, ON L4J 0A1
Monday – Thursday 9 AM – 8 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday By Appointment